Stop Payment Request

Complete the Stop Payment Request 

Receive a refund check that you need to have canceled?

Perhaps your refund check was sent to a bad address, or maybe the check expired before you had a chance to cash it, or maybe you never received it all. No worries! Click the link above to complete Stop Payment Request via Adobe DocuSign. Submitting a Stop Payment Request gives us permission to cancel your refund check with our bank and reissue the funds to you. Please complete the form with as much information as you have. This form must be completed by the student, with the exception of Parent PLUS Loan (more information below). 

There are two ways you may choose to receive your reissued refund:

  • Direct Deposit: This is the fastest and most secure way to receive funds from Florida State University. Enrolling only takes a few minutes, and you can find instructions for doing so here. Once your original refund check has been stopped and the funds have been reissued via direct deposit, it usually takes 1-4 business days for the funds to be available in your direct deposit account. 
  • New Check: If you would like a new refund check to be mailed to you, you must update your mailing address in our system. You must always provide Florida State University with an updated address so that we can reach you. You can find instructions for updating your address here.

When you submit a Stop Payment Request, it typically takes about seven business days for us to have your refund check canceled and the funds reissued. If you have any questions about the status of your Stop Payment Request, please email our Refund Team at

Parent PLUS Loan

If the refund check that needs to be canceled has resulted from a Parent PLUS Loan, the Stop Payment Request must be completed by the parent, as those funds legally belong to the parent and not the student. If you would like your Parent PLUS Loan refund to be sent to your student's direct deposit account, rather than having a new check sent to you, you can give us permission to do so by completing a PLUS Authorization Statement Form, available on our website here. Once that form is completed, it should be emailed to our Refund team at and the Office of Financial Aid at This form must be completed each time you request a Parent PLUS Loan and would like any resulting refund from that loan to be sent to your student's direct deposit account. 

Stop Payment FAQ

What if I have multiple refund checks that I need canceled?

Please complete one Stop Payment Request per refund check. 

What if I don't know all of the information for my refund check?

Please provide as much information about your check as you can. If you need to look information about your check, such as the term it was issued or the amount, you can find instructions for looking at your student account here.

How long does the Stop Payment process take?

It typically takes FSU about 7 business days to have your refund check canceled. If you have elected to receive your new refund via direct deposit, it can then take 1-4 business days for you to see those funds in your direct deposit account, depending on your bank. If you have elected to receive your new refund as a check, it can several weeks for that check to be delivered through the US Postal Service. 

If I enroll in direct deposit, will you take money from that account?

FSU will never take funds from the account you've chosen to enroll in direct deposit. We will only deposit refunds in that account.

What if I received my original refund check after I've submitted a Stop Payment Request for it?

Unfortunately, once the Stop Payment process has been initiated, it cannot be stopped. The check is no longer valid and you should not attempt to cash it. Please return the check to this address: 

Office of Student Finance
A1500 University Center
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2394

I think my check was stolen. What do I do?

Please email our Refund team at for more assistance.