Tuition Payment Questions

When is tuition due?

The tuition payment deadline is generally the second Friday of each semester as posted on the Academic Calendar at registrar.fsu.edu. Check studentfinance.fsu.edu for upcoming deadlines.

Classes added after the drop/add period must be paid within five calendar days to avoid late fees.

Why don't I receive a bill in the mail?

Your bill is available online through your my.fsu.edu Student Center. Electronic billing is more efficient and more accurate than paper statements since your myFSU account statement will update if you change your class schedule and after you receive a financial aid disbursement.

The total tuition due is available online when you register for classes, and is also online in detail on your Account Statement at my.fsu.edu.

I have financial aid, but I owe tuition. Do I need a deferment?

As long as you apply for financial aid on time (FSU recommends applying each year on Oct 1) and turn in any requested documents to the Financial Aid Office quickly and at least two weeks before the advertised early disbursement date, then you should not need a deferment. Review the Office of Financial Aid's checklists to be be sure you are disbursement ready. If you apply for financial aid timely, then your financial aid should process at the beginning of the term, just before classes start or on the fifth day of class, which is before the fee payment deadline. Sometimes students and families ask about a deferment when they are unsure how Financial aid payments work. In short, FSU applies financial aid payments to your FSU bill first and then we refund any excess payment to you. 

If your financial aid is delayed, then the Office of Financial Aid will place a deferment on your account, temporarily postponing your tuition due date. You will receive an email at your official FSU address when your financial aid pays or if you are granted an automatic deferment.

Please check your FSU bill during the second week of class to be sure that your tuition and fees are paid in full or deferred. Many students make schedule changes during the first week of classes that change the bill and can change financial aid awards (which adjust to schedule changes on the fifth day of classes), so there are several important reasons to double-check your FSU bill during the second week of classes. If your financial aid does not disburse in full and you are not informed of an automatic deferment during the second week of classes, then please contact the Office of Financial Aid regarding your status (financialaid@fsu.edu or 850-644-0539). If you have questions about your bill or where a refund was sent, then please contact the Office of Student Finance at studentfinance@fsu.edu.

If you applied for financial aid before the start of the semester, but were not automatically granted a deferment, then you may be eligible to apply for a deferment by contacting the Office of Student Finance. Your tuition must be paid in full or deferred by the Tuition Payment Deadline or you will incur late fees and risk schedule cancellation.

How can I pay for my tuition?

Online - Transact allows students, faculty, staff, and guest to pay for charges on their accounts in the MyFSU Student Central system. Transact accepts most major credit cards, ACH/ Electronic Check, and International Wires through Western Union Business Solutions. Payments are assessed a service fee to cover the costs associated with these transactions and to allow FSU to offer this option, as provided by state law (Florida Statute, Chapter 1009.23(15)). There is no fee to pay by e-check. Check here more information regarding service fees. If you need technical assistance accessing this service, please contact the FSU Technology Services Help Desk at 850-644-4357.

Mail – Please make your check payment payable to FSU and mail it to: Office of Student Finance; A1500 University Center; Tallahassee, FL 32306-2394. Be sure to include your student number or FSUID, name, address and telephone number on your check. Checks must be made out correctly to be considered on time. Tuition payment must be received by the tuition payment deadline or you will receive late fees and risk schedule cancellation.

In person - A secure payment drop box (night depository) is located outside the Office of Student Finance at A1500 University Center. The drop box is accessible any time for payment by check. All payments will be receipted by the next business day. Please make your check payable to Florida State University and include your student number, name, address and telephone number on your check. Checks must be made out correctly to be considered on time. Tuition payment must be received by the tuition payment deadline or you will receive late fees and risk schedule cancellation.

Do you offer a payment plan for tuition?

The university offers two types of payment plans: 

The Traditional Installment Plan

This plan is offered through Transact and allows you to cut your tuition payment in half for a $15 fee. Under this plan, half of your total tuition owed is due at the time of enrollment, and the remainder plus a $15 service fee is due roughly six weeks later depending on the term. 

The Graduate Assistant Tuition Plan

This plan is offered year-round to Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants, and Research Assistants employed by FSU to defer the due date for tuition and fees (including the $5 FSU Card fee) until the end of the term. For added convenience, plan participants can also enroll in payroll deductions.

Visit the university's Payment Plan pages for more information and to enroll in a plan. 


I have Bright Futures and want to pay my fees early. What do I owe?

Bright Futures pays a per-credit rate, so it is easy to anticipate your award as soon as your class schedule is set. If you have the Bright Futures Scholarship and would like to pay your portion of your bill before Bright Futures processes, follow the equation below. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Medallion Scholarship (formerly 75%):

$160.16/credit (2020-2021 rate)
(Total bill) - ($160.16 x hours enrolled) = (Amount owed after Bright Futures Medallion Scholarship)

Academic Scholarship (formerly 100%):

$213.55/credit (2020-2021 rate) 
(Total bill) - ($213.55 x hours enrolled) = (Amount owed after Bright Futures Academic Scholarship)

*Note that the Bright Futures Additional Educational Expense will be applied to the my.fsu.edu bill like any other financial aid and pay towards charges owed before any excess is refunded to the student. The Bright Futures Additional Educational Expense will not pay out over the summer.

Find more information involving Bright Futures and the FSU bill at studentfinance.fsu.edu


 Online Statement Questions

I am relying on other means to pay a portion of my bill. How do I pay a partial amount?

Florida Prepaid and financial aid should post to your my.fsu.edu bill by the end of the first week of classes, which is before the fee payment deadline.

To pay early, or to split your payment for some other reason—simply follow the “make a payment” link visible through the main my.fsu.edu portal page, or under your myFSU account statement, to be sent to the Transact website.

 Once you are in Transact, Click the "Make a payment" button. On the next step, choose the charge you want to pay and enter the amount into the text box that you would like to pay. Follow the prompts until the payment has been submitted.

What do I do if I can't log on to check my financial status or make payments?

Please contact the FSU ITS Helpdesk at 850-644-4357 for help accessing your myFSU account.

Your network's firewall might be blocking the transaction. Please note that difficulty accessing the web system is not a valid excuse for missing payment deadlines.

Students are responsible for making all payments on time and will be held liable for any penalties that may be associated with missing the tuition payment deadline.

Please contact us to explore other options if you continue to experience difficulty online.

Where can I view what I currently owe?

Log into my.fsu.edu and access your Student Center (the "SC" icon).

After entering the Student Center, your current and past due charges can be viewed from the "Charges Due" tab from the left-hand menu.

For transactional details, click “Account Inquiry” from the menu.

Where can I see due dates for my charges?

Many charges, like parking tickets and library fines, are due immediately.

Tuition generally must be paid by the second Friday of the semester.

Find specific tuition due dates on the academic calendar. You can view specific due dates for all your charges through the “Charges/Bills” tab under your my.fsu.edu “Account Inquiry”.

How do I make an online payment?

Visit the Make a Payment site for step by step instructions.

Where/when will I see my Florida Prepaid/Third Party Billing on my account?

Log into my.fsu.edu and access your Student Center (the "SC" icon).

Then click "Account Inquiry" to access your bill.

All third-party/Florida Prepaid billings will be posted to student accounts under the “Activity” tab.

Can I still give third-party access to an individual to allow them to pay my tuition, i.e. parents, spouses, siblings, etc. ?

Federal privacy laws require us to obtain you written permission to discuss your account details with any third-parties, including your parents or spouse.

Grant this permission by adding account delegates. To add a delegate, log into my.fsu.edu and access your Student Center (the "SC" icon).

Click the "My Info" tile. Then select the "Share My Information" tab on the left side of the page will allow you to assign a delegate.

This action allows the third party to create their own FSUID to make payments on the account and allows university staff to discuss relevant account details. For more information on "Delegated Access", please click here.


Financial Aid Questions 

Who do I talk to about my financial aid?

The Office of Financial Aid deals with eligibility and awarding of financial aid.

The Office of Student Finance processes payments and issues refunds.

The Financial Aid Office will schedule your award and the Office of Student Finance will apply your financial aid to your myFSU bill—and refund any excess to you—once it arrives.

The Financial Aid Office (850-644-0539 or financialaid@fsu.edu) is your best contact for questions regarding your financial aid status or the details of your financial aid award while Office of Student Finance is better positioned to discuss your myFSU bill and any refunds that have been issued to you.

I was offered one amount for Bright Futures, but I received less. Where is my extra money??

Bright Futures pays per credit hour and the award amount listed prior to disbursement is an approximation based upon an assumed 15-hour course load.

You might receive less Bright Futures than estimated if you enrolled in fewer than 15 credit hours. Additionally, if you drop a class after Bright Futures pays, then your Bright Futures award will reduce and you will have to repay that portion of your award through your FSU bill. 

If you added classes after financial aid disbursed, you may wish to complete the Appeal of Hours form through the Office of Financial Aid.

I was supposed to receive financial aid, but it is not on my account. Where is my financial aid?

First, check your Account Statement to verify whether your funds were disbursed. Your financial aid might have been used to pay outstanding charges.

The Account Statement "activity tab" lists all of your charges and payments by date, including financial aid payments, and might prove a helpful place to look. The Office of Student Finance (850-644-9452 or studentfinance@fsu.edu) can help you to review your bill and payment details.

If you do not see record of your financial aid posting to your Account Statement, then check the financial aid disbursement date. FSU always waits until the specified disbursement date for each term to disburse financial aid.

Find specific dates on the Office of Student Finance Calendar. If the financial aid disbursement date has passed, double-check your Financial Aid Award listed at my.fsu.edu. If the listed amount matches your expectations, verify that you do not have a hold on your aid.

You can review financial aid holds through the "to do list" at my.fsu.edu. If there is a hold, you will need to follow the instructions listed on your "to do list".

If no holds are listed or you are expecting more financial aid than myFSU states, please contact the Office of Financial Aid (850-644-0539).

What does disbursement mean?

Disbursement generally refers to the application of financial aid payments to a student's FSU bill. Some students will end up with a refund after financial aid pays, while many other students might not. Students who are expecting a financial aid refund are probably more interested in the refund timeline, so that is what many students think of when asking about "disbursement."  

As a general practice, the refund process generally completes two business days after financial aid posts to the FSU bill and and by then refund checks are usually in the mail and direct deposits have been transferred (though deposit processing times vary by bank). Be sure to enroll in direct deposit to get your refund quickly.

Though financial aid disburses throughout the term, the biggest disbursement dates are planned for the start of term. Find these dates and more disbursement information at studentfinance.fsu.edu

When will I get my financial aid refund?

You will receive a refund if your financial aid award is greater than the charges that can be paid with financial aid on your myFSU bill.

Be sure to enroll in direct deposit so we know where to send your refund. Refunds are sent out two business days after we apply funds to your myFSU bill.

Please note that deposit processing times vary by bank and some banks might take an extra business day or two to make your direct deposit available to you. Find planned refund dates on the Office of Student Finance calendar.

What is early disbursement?

“Early Disbursement” is a means of receiving your financial aid earlier than you typically would.

In order to ensure that our students have the funds they need, when they need them, the university has elected to disburse financial aid before the start of the term.

Students who are eligible for financial aid disbursements before the early disbursement cutoff will receive the majority of their aid early in the first week of classes, rather than the second week.

Will I get all of my Financial Aid early?

Most financial aid is eligible for early disbursement -- so long as the student receiving the aid is also eligible (e.g. student registered for at least six credits during the normal registration window, accepted or declined all awards on time and does not have any outstanding documents or "to do list" items due to the Office of Financial Aid). The following types of financial aid, however, generally cannot be disbursed early:

  • Athletic Aid
  • Florida Student Assistance Grant
  • Florida Benacquisto (Florida Incentive Scholarship)
  • First Generation Grant
  • Financial Aid for Children of Deceased / Disabled Veterans
  • Perkins Loans for First-time Borrowers

These funds will be disbursed on the traditional financial aid disbursement date during the second week of classes.

How do I make sure I get my financial aid as quickly as possible?

Enroll in direct deposit by providing your bank account information and register for classes early. You don’t have to “sign-up” to receive disbursements early, you just have to be registered and otherwise eligible by the early disbursement cutoff to qualify to receive your financial aid early.

Remember: Most types of financial aid require that you be enrolled in a minimum of six hours to receive funding.

Also, be sure that you check your “to do list” early and submit any requested documents to the Financial Aid Office early enough before the start of term to allow sufficient time for review.

Review the Office of Financial Aid Checklists for more information. 

What’s the fastest way to get my financial aid refund?

Enroll in direct deposit! Visit the Office of Student Finance Financial Aid Payments page for more information. 

What if I want to change my Schedule during Drop/Add and am receiving financial aid?

You will need to be mindful of the type of aid that you have received before deciding to drop or add classes during the drop/add period. If your financial aid pays before drop/add then you might have to return all or a portion of your award if you make changes to your schedule that affect your eligibility. 

Most types of financial aid require a minimum enrollment of six (6) hours. Students who received federal aid and who drop below six hours will be required to return the funds to the school. Some awards, like Bright Futures or Federal Pell Grants, pay a per-credit or pro-rated amount based on enrollment and you might have to repay a portion of these awards if you drop a class, even when you remain above six credits.  

What if I want to cancel all of my Enrollment after receiving financial aid?

Students who wish to cancel their enrollment before the end of the drop/add window may do so by dropping all of their classes, but must bear in mind that their financial aid disbursements will need to be returned to the university.

Students who wish to cancel their entire scheduled after the drop/add period will need to go through the traditional withdrawal process.

What if I have Florida Prepaid and Financial Aid?

Florida Prepaid will reflect on your FSU bill early so that the portion Florida Prepaid is expected to pay will not be deducted from your financial aid. 

Before financial aid pays, you will see that a portion of your class fees have been covered by Florida Prepaid. When your financial aid disburses, it pays towards the portion of your FSU bill not covered by Florida Prepaid. Then, any excess financial aid will refund to you, generally 2-3 business days after disbursement.

If my Tuition is paid by my Department, how will that work?

Departmental waiver and billing entry will typically end three to four days before the early disbursement cutoff.

If your department is not able to enter your waiver or billing in time you will receive a credit once they have.

I’m on a Sponsored Billing, how does that work?

Students who are sponsored by their employers, government agencies, should submit their billing documentation to the Office of Student Finance by the day before the early disbursement cutoff. 

What happens if all of my charges aren’t on file before financial aid Disbursement?

If you elect to purchase services after the early disbursement date—such as meal plans, or health insurance, these charges will be added to your student account and will have to be paid during subsequent disbursements or out of pocket. Your bill and financial aid awards might also change if you change your schedule during drop/add. 

The Office of Student Finance will send regular invoices, and your future registration, diploma, or transcripts may be held until all charges are settled.

What is a Financial Aid Deferment?

If your financial aid is delayed for reasons outside of your control, FSU will temporarily defer your tuition deadline for the affected term. Find the fee payment deadline, and deferral end dates, on the academic calendar.

State of Florida rules allow the deferral of tuition fees for students receiving financial aid when the aid is delayed due to circumstances beyond the control of the student.

The failure to make timely application for the aid is an insufficient reason to receive a deferral of fees.

In order to receive a deferment, you must have submitted all required documents to the Financial Aid Office prior to the beginning of the semester.

How do I get a financial aid deferment?

You can request a deferment by submitting a ticket to the Office of Student Finance. These deferments are posted automatically on the fifth day of the term for students whose financial aid is known to be delayed for reasons outside of the student’s control.

You will be notified by email if you are granted a financial aid deferment. If you are not granted an automatic deferment on the fifth day of class, but your financial aid is delayed for reasons outside of your control, then be sure to request a deferment by emailing the Office of Student Finance before the fee payment deadline.

Financial aid students who are not eligible to receive the deferment must pay in full by the posted deadline.

You should check the status of your financial aid regularly and that you complete any "To Do List" items through your Student Central web page before the term begins.

Students granted a deferment must pay their tuition by the deferment deadline or risk incurring a late payment fee and being dropped from classes.

All Financial Aid Deferments expire according to the deadline posted on the academic calendar and there is no further extension available.

How do I know if my financial aid has been disbursed?

You will be notified by email when your financial aid disburses, though you can also check your myFSU bill for details.

Review your financial aid disbursements through the “Transactions” section of the “Activity” tab under “Account Inquiry.”


Private Scholarship Questions

Where do I have my donor send a check for a private scholarship?

Donors may send private scholarship checks to:

Private Scholarships
A1500 University Center
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2398

Please let the Office of Financial Aid know about your private scholarship by reporting it through the "report outside aid" link on your Financial Aid award information at myFSU.

My donor requires financial aid verification, what do I do?

Submit the appropriate paper work to the Office of Financial Aid (850-644-0539) at:

Office of Financial Aid
A4400 University Center
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2398

My donor requires proof of enrollment. Where can I locate that documentation?

The Registrar’s Office can provide your donor with an Enrollment Verification Form. The Registrar’s Office can be contacted at 850-644-1050.

I received an email that my private scholarship is on hold due to insufficient hours. How do I have the hold removed?

The university must receive a written release from your donor stating they give the university to release your funds although you are not a full-time student. The written release may be mailed, faxed, or emailed. You will find the contact information below:

Mailing Address:

Private Scholarships
A1500 University Center
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2398

Email: Sandra Maroney - smaroney@fsu.edu
Fax number: 850-644-1822
Attn: Sandra Maroney - 850-644-5098

My donor requires the university to send them an invoice. What do I do?

Contact the Private Scholarship Associate, Sandra Maroney, 850.644.5098 or smaroney@fsu.edu.

Supply any documentation or instructions provided by your donor, and she will send an invoice to your donor.

Am I required to report the private scholarships I have received and deposited into my personal account?

Yes, federal regulations require you to report any outside awards. Click the "Report Other Financial Aid" link through your Student Center at my.FSU.edu to report your scholarships.

The university has received a private scholarship for my benefit. However, I have decided not to attend. How do I have the funds sent to my new college?

The university does not forward funds to other colleges. The university will return the funds to your donor.

You will need to notify the Private Scholarship Associate, Sandra Maroney, via email at smaroney@fsu.edu.

You will also need to update your donor to your new college.

I received a private scholarship for the fall term. My housing bill is due now. How do I use my private scholarship to pay for my housing?

Private scholarship funds cannot be disbursed before that term’s disbursement date.

You would need to contact the Housing Department at 850-644-2860 to see if you qualify for a housing deferment in order to have your payment deferred to the fall disbursement date.

How do I use my private scholarship to pay for my tuition?

Your private scholarship will automatically disburse and pay first for outstanding tuition.

The fund will then pay for any outstanding fees, such as housing, books, meal plan, parking tickets, etc.

Finally, we will refund any excess scholarship funds to you according to your "Direct Deposit Enrollment".

Why hasn’t my private scholarship disbursed?

Financial Aid is applied to your myFSU bill at the beginning of the term—generally by the fifth (5) day of class.

If it is after the fifth day of class and your scholarships has still not posted to your myFSU bill, please check with your donor to confirm when and where they sent your scholarship check.

If you are enrolled in fewer than twelve (12) credit hours, we will need to receive written approval from your donor to disburse your scholarship.

Be sure to request this paperwork from your donor early if you plan on taking less than six credits to ensure that your financial aid disburses as early as possible.

 Loan Refusal & Cancellation Questions

How do I cancel a loan before Disbursement?

Prior to disbursement, simply notify the Financial Aid Office to decline a loan that you already accepted (Perkins, GSL, UGSL) prior to disbursement.

How do I cancel a loan within 14 days of Disbursement?

If the loan has already disbursed, you have 14 days to notify the Financial Aid Office in writing that you do not want part or all of the loan (850-644-0539 or financialaid@fsu.edu).

After completing your loan refusal paperwork through the Financial Aid Office, you can repay the loan online through your my.fsu.edu account by credit card, e-check or drop a check off in the drop box outside of the Office of Student Finance (be sure to include student name, EMPLID or FSUID, and phone number on the check and make it payable to FSU).

How do I cancel a loan 14 days after Disbursement?

Students who want to refuse loans after the 14 day notification must contact their lender for repayment.

To confirm your lender visit the National Student Loan Data System or contact the Office of Financial Aid (850-644-0539 or financialaid@fsu.edu).

 Loans & Debt Questions

What types of federal student loans are available, how much should I borrow, what are the differences between private and federal loans, what are the consequences of going into default, and are there any other tips on how to manage my debt?

The booklet Your Federal Student Loans: Learn the Basics and Manage Your Debt covers what you should consider when you're planning on borrowing money to pay for your education.

If you have any questions, or require additional information on repaying your student loans, you may contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center.

Federal Student Aid Information Center
1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243)
This is a toll-free number.


 Florida Prepaid Questions

Where do I bring my Florida Prepaid card?

Good news. FSU bills Florida Prepaid automatically every semester—and there’s nothing you need to do to make it happen.

We do not need to see your Florida Prepaid card and you do not need to complete any paperwork. Please note, though, that while Prepaid covers tuition, and the local fees if you purchased that feature, no Florida Prepaid plan covers the full cost of taking classes.

Please review our Florida Prepaid page for details.

Why doesn't my Florida Prepaid pay all of my tuition?

The credit-hour cost is made up of several fees in addition to tuition, some of which are not covered by any Florida Prepaid plan. Additionally, some classes and majors are subject to additional costs that are not covered by Florida Prepaid. Please review the Office of Student Finance Florida Prepaid page for more information. 

I have Florida Prepaid, how do I just pay the part that I owe?

Your Florida Prepaid billing will be reflected on your Account Statement before financial aid processes, usually long before the semester begins, but at latest by the end of the drop/ add period during the first week of the term. Your outstanding balance after that time will only reflect the portion of fees not covered by Florida Prepaid.

If helpful for your own purposes, you can choose to make a partial payment any time through my.fsu.edu by selecting the charges you would like to pay and inputting your payment amount.

Please review the Office of Student Finance Florida Prepaid page for more information on using Florida Prepaid at FSU. 

I don't want Florida Prepaid to pay this semester. What should I do?

The Office of Student Finance bills Florida Prepaid automatically each term. If you want to cancel or lessen this billing for a given term, please fill out the Florida Prepaid Billing Change Form by the fourth day of class.

You must do this each semester that you do not want Florida Prepaid to pay its full portion of your bill.

If you wish to cancel your billing for multiple terms, you might find it more convenient to contact Florida Prepaid directly at 1-800-552-4723 to place a hold on your account.

I don't want Florida Prepaid to pay ever again. What do I do?

Please contact Florida Prepaid at 1-800-552-4723 to discuss options to hold, close or transfer your Florida Prepaid account.

I have both Florida Prepaid and Bright Futures. How does that work?

Florida Prepaid and Bright Futures both pay per credit hour. At the beginning of the semester (and before Financial Aid pays), the portion of your balance that Florida Prepaid is expected to pay will reflect on your FSU bill. When financial aid (like Bright Futures) pays, it will simply pay the portion of the bill that is not covered by Florida Prepaid and then FSU will refund any excess financial aid payment to the student. You will receive the full benefit of both programs.   

Find more information on the the Office of Student Finance Bright Futures & Florida Prepaid page. 


 Tax Information Questions

What is the 1098-T Form?

The 1098T reports payments for qualified tuition (as defined by the IRS) and scholarships and grants received within the tax year and is provided to assist students and parents in determining whether they might qualify for Education Tax Credits.

Please note that only students with qualifying transactions that posted within the tax year will receive a 1098T for that year.

Find more information on educational tax credits and deductions through the IRS web site.

How to Grant Consent to Receive an Electronic 1098-T

If you would like to receive your 1098-T form electronically, please give your consent by logging on to my.FSU.edu

To make a selection, simply log in to my.fsu.edu and follow these simple steps:

1. Click on “Student Financials” in the left navigation bar.

2. Click on “Tax Information /1098-T”.

3. Choose to retrieve it online.

What if the amounts on my 1098-T are not correct?

Please note that the 1098-T reflects qualifying transactions that happened within the tax year, regardless of the year of the term involved.

For example, a payment towards Spring 2020 tuition that was processed in December of 2019 would reflect on the 2019-year 1098T. Also, the 1098T reports payments of qualified tuition, which does not include transportation and health fees and will not likely match the exact value of payments that you made to FSU.

Qualified tuition and related expenses, as defined by the IRS, includes tuition and most of the mandatory per-credit hour fees assessed for taking classes at FSU. However, the IRS does not include payments for housing, dining, book payments and even the Health and Transportation fees that are part of the mandatory per-credit cost of taking classes at FSU. For a breakdown of the mandatory tuition fees see our Tuition page.

Greek Life charges are also not included in the qualified tuition calculation.

Tuition waivers are exempt from 1098T-reporting.

I can't find my 1098-T. How do I get a reprint?

1098T forms are available electronically through ECSI and my.fsu.edu. By visiting the Retrieve Tax Information link through MyFSU, you will be brought to ECSI's homepage where your 1098-T is housed under the "Tax Information" link.

Students may also request that a form be re-mailed directly from ECSI by calling 866-428-1098 and requesting that a new form be mailed.

Am I eligible to receive tax credits and does this form validate the taxability of my financial aid?

The Office of Student Finance is not permitted to offer tax advice.

For information regarding the taxability of your scholarships and grants, or to learn about your tax credit eligibility, please contact your tax professional.

Why am I seeing a red "Permission Needed" warning box in self service?

This box appears when a student has not made a 1098-T delivery selection, or when a student has not made a refund method selection.

Performing one or both of those actions will clear up the warning.


Delinquency & Collections Questions

What happens if I am delinquent on amounts owed to the university?

You may not complete your registration, receive a diploma, or receive an associate in arts certificate until all amounts owed to the university have been settled. This includes library charges, health center charges, parking fines and other university debts.

Students at Florida State University are expected to take responsibility for payment deadlines and policies, financial aid distribution policies and debts owed.

Account information is available on the Internet at my.FSU.edu, by contacting us at studentfinance@fsu.edu, or by coming to our office at A1500 University Center. Each inquiry will require the student's identity to be confirmed.

Families: please see our Student Privacy and Delegated Access page. Students become responsible for tuition upon registration for classes. Students who owe $.01 or more to the university will not be able to receive diplomas. Students who owe $500 or more will not be able to register for courses.

The hold will not be removed, and such students will not be permitted to register until the debt is paid in full. Payments for delinquent accounts can be made online, by mail or drop box. Payments are applied to current tuition first, and then toward other charges on the account.

According to Florida Statute 1010.03, each university is directed to exert every effort to collect all delinquent accounts, including employing the service of a collection agency, restricting the release of diplomas and other university services, payroll deductions, etc.

Florida State University assesses collection fees to accounts that are outstanding debts for 120 days or longer and accounts are sent to one of the collection agencies contracted by the state. Accounts that are deemed uncollectible are put on hold until paid in full.

How long do I have to pay my charges before they are sent to collections?

Accounts are sent to a collection agency and collection fees are added to a student's account if the student has had an outstanding debt for 120 days or longer and these fees will not be removed unless there is a documented university error.

Students can avoid delinquency fees by making an appointment with one of our collection managers and working out an extended payment plan contract before their account is sent to a collection agency.

How do I know if I have a hold?

Review your holds through Student Center. Holds will appear in a banner at the top of the page. By clicking on the banner, you will be able to view the details behind the holds.

As you complete your holds, the activity bar in the banner will progress towards completion.

If you owe any past due charges to the university, you will have an accounts receivable hold. Review your charges through your “Account Summary” in the “Finances” section.


Parking & Transportation Questions

What is a transportation access fee?

The transportation access fee is a required per credit hour fee for all main campus students. It provides funding to support the Seminole Express bus system, Nole Cab, S.A.F.E. Connection, access to the StarMetro bus system, and parking lot and garage upkeep.

When can I pick up my parking permit and how much are they?

There is not an additional fee to park on campus however, space is limited and you do not need a vehicle to be successful at FSU. To learn more about our alternative commuting options or to register your vehicle, visit transportation.fsu.edu.

Late & Non-Payment Questions

What is FSU’s policy for Unpaid Tuition?

As published in the general bulletin, in accordance with Florida State University Regulation 6C2R-2.0248, students who do not pay tuition and fees or make arrangements for tuition and fee payment by the published deadline each semester may have their schedules cancelled.

Students will be notified by email to their FSU e-mail account concerning outstanding tuition delinquencies and given an opportunity to pay tuition and fees or make arrangements for tuition and fee payment with the Office of Student Finance prior to cancellation.

Students whose schedules are cancelled for non-payment of tuition and fees will have their academic progress discontinued for the term in question and will not be able to attend class or receive grades.

Please contact us for assistance. 

Is there an appeal process for the cancellation of my schedule?

Students whose schedules are cancelled for non-payment of tuition and fees may appeal for reinstatement and continuation of academic progress for the term by making a full payment of all tuition/fees and any other charges owed to the university prior to the end of the 7th week of the Fall and Spring semester (consult the Registration Guide for Summer term deadlines).

Students whose schedules are reinstated are subject to a $100.00 late registration fee and a $100.00 late payment fee. Check or credit card payments that are returned or refused will negate any tuition payment agreement for the reinstatement of a student's schedule.

The university reserves the right to deny reinstatement when a demonstrated pattern of tuition delinquencies over two or more semesters has occurred.

Please contact us for assistance. 


 Withdrawal Questions

Under what conditions can I withdraw from the university and receive a full refund of tuition fees?

Full refunds of tuition fees may be granted in instances of withdrawal from the university under the following conditions:

• Involuntary call to active military duty
• Death of the student or immediate family member (parent, spouse, child, sibling)
• Illness of the student of such duration or severity, as confirmed in writing by a physician
• Cancellation of the course by the university
• Or exceptional circumstances that could not have been foreseen and were beyond the control of the student, as approved by the university refund committee.

For more information please visit Dean of Students - Withdrawal Services

Under what conditions can I withdraw from the university and receive a 25% refund of tuition fees?

Students who have not received federal financial aid and voluntarily withdraw after the fifth day of the semester and prior to the end of the fourth week of the semester are eligible for a twenty-five percent (25%) refund of tuition fees.

Under what conditions can I withdraw from the university and not receive any refund of tuition fees?

After the fourth week of the semester, students who have not received federal financial aid and voluntarily withdraw are held fully liable for tuition fees.

Refund requests based on official withdrawals must be submitted to the Office of Student Finance within six months from the end of the term which the student withdrew in order for the refund to be processed.

For more information please visit Dean of Students - Withdrawal Services

If I receive federal aid and I withdraw, what happens to the federal aid?

Students who withdraw and have received federal financial aid (Title Four programs) will be required to repay to the federal program the amount of unearned financial aid funds disbursed to them as of their withdrawal date. Title Four programs includes Pell Grants, Perkins Loans, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Stafford Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized) and Parent Loans (the Federal Plus program). The unearned amount of federal programs funds is calculated based on the percentage of the semester completed before the date of withdrawal.

Both the university and students receiving federal financial aid are required to return unearned financial aid to the federal government. The university is required to return the unearned portion of the Title Four funds it received from withdrawing students which were used to pay university charges such as tuition, fees, housing and other educationally-related expenses assessed by the university.

The funds returned to the federal government by the university will be credited against the student's total liability of unearned funds. However, students will owe the university the amount returned to the federal government for university charges. Students must repay the unearned Title Four funds to any Title Four loan program in accordance with the terms of the loan.

For Title Four grant programs, unearned grant program funds are considered over-payments and students are required to return fifty percent of the grant. Students who owe grant over-payments remain eligible for Title Four program funds for 45 days if during those 45 days the student:

1) Repays the over-payment in full to the university or
2) Enters into a repayment agreement with the university.

However, entering into a repayment agreement does not mean the student is eligible to register for additional classes or receive a transcript, etc. Students can lose Title Four financial aid eligibility if they do not comply with the options above.

These are new federal requirements for Title Four financial aid programs and students should consider their repayment responsibilities for these programs as part of any withdrawal decision.

Title Four withdrawals are only applicable to students who have received federal financial aid, such as Pell Grants, Perkins Loans, Subsidized Stafford Loans, Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Parent PLUS loans and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG).

For more information please visit Dean of Students - Withdrawal Services