Email Catalog

The Office of Student Finance sends a lot of email and all of it is important. We make a promise to students and families every year to only send information that matters-- you owe us money, we owe you money, the law says we have to email you this information, or something important that impacts your finances is about to or has happened. We know that even the necessities can be overwhelming, so we've provided this catalog of common emails, populations, and last send dates in the table below to help you find information fast. 

Email Name Description Sample Last Send
E02 - Daily New Charge This email details any new charges that have posted to a student MyFSU account and provides contact information for the charging department.





E03 - Daily Payment Change This email details any payments that have been reversed, including financial aid, and provides a current MyFSU account balance.




E06 - Daily Check Payment This email reminds any student who paid by physical check that they can do the same transaction online for free and save on postage. Email



E08 - Orientation Welcome This email is sent to new students the week of their orientation session to provide them with important steps to prepare for their first term.


As Needed


E09 - Underload Warning This email is sent to students who have a financial hold that will prevent them from participating in drop/add. Email

As Needed


E99 - Reserved This area is reserved for future email development.




G02 - Graduate Program Information This email is sent to Graduate Assistants to notify them of graduate student program operations for the term. Email



I12 - State Employee Waiver This email certifies that we have received a State Employee Waiver application. Email



I13 - FSU Employee Scholarship This email certifies that we have received an FSU Employee Scholarship Email



P01 - Missing Financial Aid Documents This email is sent to students who owe a balance and have pending financial aid that cannot be disbursed until documents are submitted. Email



P02 - No Loan Action This email is sent to students who have not taken action on their loans to remind them to accept or decline their awards. Email



S01 - Due Date Reminder This email is sent to students who owe a balance on a specific date to remind them of payment options. Email



S08 - Disbursement This federally required email notifies a student that their financial aid has been disbursed to their MyFSU account.




S21 - Start of Term This email is sent to students at the start of the semester to provide them with important information about their invoice and payment methods. Email



S50 - Late Payment Waiver This email notifies a student that their late payment fee appeal has been approved. Email



S62 - Credit Card Refund This email notifies a student that a transaction on a credit card has been refunded back to that card. Email



S68 - Returned Payment (Charge) This email notifies a customer that a payment on their account has been returned by their bank due to insufficient funds. Email



S69 - Returned Payment (Invalid) This email notifies a customer that a payment on their account has been returned by their bank due to an invalid account number. Email
