
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) protects the financial records of students enrolled in a postsecondary institution, regardless of age.

Students can grant written consent for University Officials to share account details with third-parties, e.g parents or spouses, by setting up "delegated access" through the "share my information" link at the myFSU Student Center. 


SSN Collection

The Florida State University maintains student, parent and customer records for the university. We are required to collect Social Security Numbers (SSNs) to meet our federal and state reporting requirements, and so we can identify students and customers properly.

We provide SSNs to the federal and state government authorities and to our contracted business partners who are all mandated by contract and federal law to protect your confidentiality. Social Security numbers are confidential and exempt from public records requests under section 119.07 (1), Florida Statutes and section 23(a). Article 1 of the State Constitution.

Students and employees are assigned FSU identification numbers to assist in protecting their personal information.

For the purpose of tax reporting, financial aid and collections the Office of Student Finance collects SSNs mandated by: Sec. 6109, I.R.C; Rule 6C1-3.042, F.A.C.; Sec. 1010.03, Fla. Stat.