Tuition Summary
The Tuition Summary page provides detailed tuition assessment information for each term. Using the drop-down menu, you can swap between terms to understand how much you were assessed for specific classes and term-based fees. The University uses the term "tuition", "matriculation", or "tuition and fees" to refer to the collective state, local, university, and other fees assessed to students specifically related to enrollment. For example, while "tuition and fees" may refer to the Health, Health Plus, or Counseling Center fees that make up the cost of enrollment for a course, it does not refer to costs for campus Health and Wellness Center visits.
1: Use the drop down menu to swap between terms.
2: "Base Fees" is used here to refer to fees assessed broadly under Florida State Statutes, Board of Governors Regulation, and FSU Regulation. These fees typically include Tuition, Financial Aid, Capital Improvement, Athletics, Activities and Services, Health, Health Plus, Counseling Center, Transportation, Technology, Student Affairs Facilities Use, and Differential.
3: "Out of State Fees" includes the Out of State Tuition fee and the Out of State Financial Aid fee which are both assessed in addition to the Base Fees for students who do not declare Florida residency through Admissions.
4: "Class Fees" serves as a catch-all category for any number of fees that are assessed in support of the cost of instruction for a course. These may include material and supply fees, laboratory fees, fees for courses in the Market Rate program, fees for courses offered through the Center for Academic and Professional Development, and courses offered under a Non-Funded or Cost-Recovery funding model. In the example above, PAD4842 and PAD4374 both appear to be assessed less Base Fees than Class Fees. This is due to the fact that both courses operate under a cost-recovery funding model, meaning that the student pays some Base Fees (typically all but Tuition and Differential), and then a sum equal to or greater than the cost of tuition in support of the offering of the course. The last course, LDR2101, carries traditional Base Fees and a Class Fee of $153 which represents additional costs associated with offering the course online or at a distance.
5: Late payment fees, associated with the late payment of tuition, will also appear on the Tuition Summary.
6: Most main campus students will be assessed a $20 per-semester Student Affairs Facilities Use Fee, which is not associated with a specific course and instead appears toward the bottom of the summary as a fee associated with enrollment generally.